The Media & Public Relations department handles all media-related inquiries for the Florida Strawberry Festival®. All media outlets are encouraged to use any information found on this website when reporting on the Florida Strawberry Festival®.
Applications for media credentials are available to ONLY working media in print, online or broadcast news producing original content for the purpose of reporting on the 2026 Florida Strawberry Festival, February 26 – March 8, 2026 in Plant City, Florida.
To access the Festival’s Media Credential request form, please click on the following link:
Media Credential Request Form
Once your application has been received, we will review and email you back regarding its status. All those requesting Festival media credentials MUST submit an online form. Submitting an application DOES NOT guarantee its approval as requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Once approved, media credentials will be available upon your arrival at the Festival’s Berry Amaz’n Media Center located at 2107 West Oak Avenue, Plant City, Florida 33563. All approved working media must maintain media credentials during their visit.
Click here to view our Berry Amaz’n Media Center information video.
For more information, contact: berrypr@flstrawberryfestival.com
Thank you for your interest in covering the 91st Annual Florida Strawberry Festival®
Contact Information
For additional information or interview requests, please contact:
Jennifer L. Morgan
Media and Public Relations Representative
813.752.9194 Ext. 229
Facebook: @FLStrawberryFestival
Instagram: flstrawberryfestival
TikTok: flstrawberryfestival
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